Time travel isn’t merely of interest to Dr.
Who fans; philosophers and physicists alike worry about whether or not it’s
possible. You probably know the
sort of story that causes concern: if time travel were possible you could
kill your maternal grandmother long before your mother’s conception, but if you
did then how would you be born in order to go back in time and commit the
dreadful act of murder in the first place? This ‘Grandfather Paradox’
seems to tell against time travel’s possibility.
Within philosophy the most famous
contribution to this debate is David Lewis’s ‘The
Paradoxes of Time Travel’. We could travel in time, says Lewis, but don’t
think you can thereby do the impossible – that (unsurprisingly!) is something
you will definitely fail to do. If you go back in time and try and bring about
a paradox, then something will get in your way. Perhaps you slip on a banana
peel and miss, perhaps the gun jams, perhaps you bump into the man/woman of
your dreams and decide an evening of romance is better than an evening of blood-soaked
ancestor murder, perhaps… well, lots of things might stop you. Lewis nonetheless
assures us that one of those possibilities will definitely come about if you go back in time and try.
These questions about the possibility of
time travel are still live questions, and are still discussed in the
philosophical literature. What have received less attention are issues
concerning the probability of time
travel. The ‘Probability and Time Travel’ project headed by myself and Alastair
Wilson investigates just these questions. For instance, if it’s definitely the
case that something will stop you when you go back in time to kill your
grandmother, and one of those things is having a stroke, does that mean that
the chance of having a stroke when
travelling in time is higher than it would be if you stayed at home? Is time
travel hazardous to your health? If so, how hazardous is it?
Nor are these the only questions. Time
travel gives rise to all sorts of strange situations called bootstrapping paradoxes.
The famous example is Robert Heinlein’s story ‘–All You Zombies–’ wherein the
protagonist, who undergoes a sex change and travels through time, is both their
own mother and father (the just-released Australian film Predestination is directly based on it). The person ‘comes from
nowhere’; they ‘bootstrap’ themselves into existence. Or perhaps (spoiler
alert!) you’ve seen the recent blockbuster Interstellar:
there mankind is set on a course for extinction but humans from the future
interact with the past to save mankind – they ‘bootstrap’ the survival of the
entire human race. Similarly there are ‘information paradoxes’ where
information appears only through the use of time travel e.g. a time traveler
coming back from the future and telling themselves how to build a time machine.
These situations are all very interesting,
and the philosophical consensus is that they are, in fact, logically possible
(at least, they are if you buy into the possibility of time travel in the first
place!). But how likely are they? If
time machines were commonplace, should we expect lots of people to be
bootstrapped people, or virtually no-one to be bootstrapped? And why focus on
humans? Couldn’t a Tyrannosaur Rex bootstrap itself into existence? And why
stop with actually existing things? If time travel were possible you could meet
a Wookie that only exists because he’s his own mother and father. Is a Wookie
as likely to bootstrap itself into existence as a human? Similarly, if mankind
is about to die (and we’re certain time travel is possible) should we expect our time travelling future selves
to save us? With the information paradoxes we have the same questions. Is
Stephen Hawking as likely as Joey Essex to find his future self telling him how
to build a time machine? Am I as likely to meet myself coming from the future
telling myself how to build a time machine as I am to meet myself coming from
the future telling me how to answer a tricky crossword puzzle?
Answers to these questions are difficult to
figure out. They also appear to be relevant. For instance, these issues feature
in various attempts to reconcile quantum physics with relativity. Such theories
talk about ‘closed timelike curves’ – effectively tunnels through space and
time that go back to the past – and so what one says about probability and time
travel will have bearing on these difficult questions in physics. So musing
about Wookies appearing from nowhere and the likelihood of slipping on banana
peels is more than mere navel gazing.
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